10 Types of Lawyers You Should Know – Legal Magazine

assets if you’re facing marital dissolution. It is also covered under family law. Adoption attorneys assist in the adoption process by helping you adopt children in the legal system by filing adoption petitions with courts and representing adoptive parents at court hearings if necessary. Adoption attorneys also assist birth parents with placing their children to adoption. A child support attorney helps decide how much is due to the custodial parent every month, so that they are able to be able to properly raise their children.
5. Wrongful Death Lawyer

In wrongful death cases, the loss of a loved victim due to the negligence or inattention of another person or an entity. You could, for example, file a claim for wrongful death if someone is injured in an accident in the workplace or as a result of medical negligence. However, claims for wrongful deaths are complicated and often require extensive legal knowledge. That’s where wrongful death lawyers can be of great help. If a fatality results from someone’s action or harmful products, you may have grounds for filing a lawsuit. If you suffer damages, such as medical expense and funeral costs, along with lost wages it is possible to sue the family for their loss. If you are able to, you may also seek compensation for other damages including the pain and suffering.

6. Estate Planning Lawyer

Estate planning is necessary to ensure that your assets go to the people you’d like after you die. It is a way of staying out of the probate court once you die. There is a need to be aware that estate planning isn’t only about what will happen when you die. Making plans for your loved ones the future involves arranging your financial affairs in case that you pass away or of your spouse. Estate planning lawyers will work with you through the entire process to ensure your wishes will become law following the death of your loved ones. Estate planning lawyers deeply understand complex laws surrounding trusts, wills and probate and estate taxes process. A competent estate planning lawyer will help you determine which plan is best for your circumstances and help you through the process of implementing those plans upon death.
