Should You Get Facebook Ray-Bans? – Heels WebShop

It is essential to be present at all times so that you can be observed by others at a glance. It may sound like ideal at first, but it could also cause privacy concerns. The video below gives a glimpse into the actual glasses and it’s not just the beginning of things to consider about this new technology. Let’s get started.

These glasses can not only create video or pictures however, they also allow you to record music. When you want to take pictures using voice commands or the small button located on the back inside the glass. Videos and images are immediately sent to your phone The cameras, however, are practically invisible to visitors. They pose privacy problems that we shouldn’t ignore. Possibilities of recording others without their knowledge is both a real and uncomfortable possibility. As Meta is well-known for being sketchy when it comes to managing personal data It is as a reasonable assumption that extreme precautions must be taken in order for these glasses not to be utilized to carry out shady and illegal activities.
