What You Need to Know About Solar Panels in New York – Family Budgeting


It reduces the dependence on electric companies. It is possible provide excess electricity back to the electrical provider. In this video, we are going to find out more information about the solar energy available located in New York.

New York is a unique state that offers numerous incentives to customers looking to purchase the solar panels of a business. One example is that New York state offers a 25 tax credit of % over the tax credits offered by the Federal Government. This means that up to 50% of your solar panel’s cost of installation could be covered by government. Additionally the sales tax exemption NYSERDA rebate can help you save the equivalent of $5,000. It makes solar affordable to the average homeowner. The solar panel more reliable and more affordable. However, there may also additional costs that you need to think about. For example, your roof might require reinforcement before solar panels are put in. It doesn’t matter which way you look at it. Just take a look at the figures and figure out if solar panels will be the right choice for your needs.
